간단한 worker thread pool 정도만 필요해서 하나 만들어 보았다.
사용법은 다음과 같다.
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <atomic> #include "KoThreadPool.hpp" std::atomic<int> gSum1; std::atomic<int> gSum2; bool MyThreadWork() { gSum1++; return true; } class MyClass { public: MyClass() {} ; ~MyClass() {} ; bool MyThreadWork() { gSum2++; return true; } }; int main() { KoThreadPool tpool; if( ! tpool.InitThreadPool() ) { std::cerr << "Error : Init" << "\n"; exit(1); } tpool.SetWaitingCnt(2); //set total work count gSum1 = 0; gSum2 = 0; MyClass myclass; //class member std::function<void()> temp_func1 = std::bind( &MyClass::MyThreadWork, &myclass) ; tpool.AssignTask(temp_func1 ) ; //free function std::function<void()> temp_func2 = std::bind( &MyThreadWork ) ; tpool.AssignTask(temp_func2 ) ; //wait all 2 works done. tpool.WaitAllWorkDone(); // --> XXX blocking call. //At the end of the program, exit the thread pool. tpool.Terminate(); //graceful terminate : wait until all work done //tpool.Terminate(true); //terminate immediately std::cout << "gSum1 =" << gSum1 << "\n"; std::cout << "gSum2 =" << gSum2 << "\n"; return 0; }
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